Showing posts with label Disqus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disqus. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Buzzfeed attacks Disqus for its alt-right hangouts

The marginalization war continues, and the herding instincts of the targets makes them easy prey. The irony of their ghettoization is lost on them.

A number of pro-white and alt-right users have created their own bloglike communities inside Disqus’s platform in order to share stories, comment, and coordinate influence trolling campaigns (which the trolls dub “raids”). One channel called Mickey’s Clubhouse — whose popular topics include Jews, Holohoax, Censorship, White Genocide, and Jew World Order — appears to be home to a number of users coordinating the infiltration of comment sections on Breitbart and other conservative publications. The goal, as evidenced by their comments, is to flood conservative-leaning publishers with pro-white and anti-Semitic content in order to win hearts and minds and indoctrinate others to their politics.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Laugh of the Day: Hollywood Reporter closes Disqus comments on Roseanne tweet story without showing even one

"This discussion has been closed".

What discussion?! (in my best Roseanne voice)

Cowards. You know everyone's laughing at Roseanne. Well, everyone with a sense of humor anyway.

Story here.

Monday, April 9, 2018

So-called Alt-right Takimag commits suicide, drops popular Disqus Comments after three month slide in Alexa traffic rankings

And that's after the big decline from the summer of 2017 after the loss of the popular Gavin McInnes. Replacement with a dark, combative author in his place hasn't helped, either.

The celebrated comments section, a veritable maelstrom of unparalleled wit, wisdom and waywardness, was unceremoniously ended over the Easter weekend, scattering its loyal denizens like ants.

They have been welcomed by Disqus' Jewel Box and Channel Z, but will be m o d e r a t e d.

Rotza ruck.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Everyone's an American these days, including Taki

Here, from the guy born in Greece who spends most of his time in London, Gstaad and the Med:

As a European who is an American citizen and spends half the year over here, I am surprised at how different we Europeans and we Americans really are. We Europeans mostly loathe each other, snub each other, and feel united only in our envy for the Big Bully, poor old Uncle Sam. Whereas we Americans hear and read all day how disunited we are, how oppressed our womenfolk are, what racists and sexists we are, yet our stadiums are filled to the brim every weekend with mostly white men and women cheering their lungs out for mostly black athletes. Go figure, as they don’t say in Brussels.

Citizen of the world is more like it. It would be nice if those charged with nativism actually lived it, like most Americans who love their country, live and work in it year in and year out, and have no need of passports.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Like most libertarians, Ben Domenech is a progressive who imagines America began as a tabula rasa on which we wrote "manifest destiny"

I'll bet he's memorized Emma Lazarus' poem, too. Ben is deeply confused about the American founding.

Here, where you might be forgiven for thinking he's talking about Australia:

Once there was a country born without an inheritance. It was a civilization carved by the rejected refuse of the old world, by the religious freaks, criminals, bastards, and orphans. They were the type of men and women willing to risk all to cross the wine-dark sea in search of their fortune. They came from all the corners of the world, and in this land they worked the good earth and made their way. In time they built marketplaces and cities and governments, and threw off the shackles of their far-off, old-world rulers to make their own law. Where other revolutions had been crushed, they prevailed. They risked it all, and won.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Robert Tracinski skewers some libertarians for the socialism in their heads, but still misses why it's there

Here, chalking it all up to "unexamined collectivist assumptions" and mistakenly allowing "a little dominion of socialism over their thinking" and the left "trying to preserve that territory they own in your head" through various schemes like the estate tax.

In other words, they're insufficiently indoctrinated. You know, like all those intractable Russians who were sent to the Gulag for nothing more than mistakenly expressing incorrect thoughts.

It never dawns on Tracinski that ideology is a coin with socialism on the one side and libertarianism on the other.

The article is amusing because the "conservatives" he skewers for being insufficiently libertarian are or were aligned with the left and leftism: Charles Murray (former labor unionist, six years in the Peace Corps, "rebel"), Ronald Reagan ("I didn't leave the Democratic Party . . ."), Stuart Butler of health mandate infamy (Brookings), Milton Friedman (FDR functionary) and Megan McArdle (self-described former "ultraliberal").

With the example of McArdle on the estate tax before him, one might have hoped that Tracinski had stumbled into the origin of the socialism in our heads, but no, "there is no such collective entity as 'society.'"

The man wishing to leave his estate to that little society called his family might have begged to differ.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Ben Domenech says Trump and Cruz stole Rand Paul's libertarian foreign policy

Here for The Federalist.

But Domenech never mentions how Trump stole something else: attracting hordes of people to his appearances who come from all walks of life, but especially blue collar independents and Democrats.

That's what Rand Paul hoped to do all along, recreating the Republican brand.

Trump is succeeding at what elite libertarians have only been able to dream of politically, but now that they've got what they wished for they want nothing to do with it because Trump is uniting people through a conservative value: patriotic American nationalism.

Rand Paul doesn't get it, and neither does Domenech: Americans are conservative much more than they are libertarian.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Mollie Hemingway doesn't get it that Donald Trump IS the balance

If you can get through all the emoting, you reach this at the end, here:

"Yes, the media industry is just a way to make money via entertaining presentation of the news, and, yes, Trump is getting the media clicks we only dream about. But if there is any sense of gratitude for the role we’re allowed to play in the project of maintaining a civil society, could we just work to achieve a bit more balance? Neither self-abasing freakouts nor servile accommodations regarding Trump?"

When Barack Obama promised he'd transform America, no one knew that he meant with Donald Trump. The Donald is the Yang to Obama's Yin. When Trump is finished, the country might be ready to move along again after the male point of view has had its way with the country for a few years. Like Melania, I'm sure she'll enjoy it.

I'm not criticizing the girl for missing it. She's just a girl.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Shills for ObamaCare Adopt Orwell's Newspeak: Mandates are Liberty!

An astute commenter on "Yes, the Health-Care Mandate Is About Liberty" by Jonathan Cohn and David A. Strauss at here captured the Orwellian Newspeak with this pithy formulation: