Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Revulsion Election update, one week after the election: Hillary missing 7.6 million Obama voters from 2008, Trump on the verge of outperforming Romney


2016: 130.0 million
2012: 129.2 million
2008: 131.5 million

Population has increased about 20 million over the period.

Popular Vote


2016: 61.9 million
2012: 65.9 million
2008: 69.5 million


2016: 60.9 million
2012: 60.9 million
2008: 60.0 million

Trump has now matched Romney's popular vote in 2012 and bested McCain by about 1 million votes.

Hillary now undershoots Obama 2008 by 7.6 million votes and Obama 2012 by 4.0 million votes.

Vote totals remain significantly incomplete in Washington state (12% out) and Utah (11% out).